My 80USD in Clixsense

Mis 80 dolares en Clixsense

In what I have in Clixsense I have already collected more than 80 dollars, and I have been able to charge in Payza without any problem.

The question is how I made $ 80 in such a short time. It's very easy, recently when it was PTC, put together about two dollars, really from there we realized that Clixsense was no longer PTC. Because the rest of the money, the 78 dollars have been for surveys and offers.

Tips for making money in Clixsense

The best-paid surveys are those that come to you when you install Clixsendon in Clixsense. many of them are 2 dollars up.

Of there another viable option are the walls of offers, the ones that work for me the most are PeanutLabs and Wannads.

Hence another trick, is that if you make two offers or surveys, complete in daily bonus where you get from 14 to 16% depending on the conditions you complete.

Another thing is that most of the Sundays in the afternoon they put videos and you can win more money with them.